PANTONE潘通色卡,GP5101 CMYK色板,新版彩通印刷C/U四色叠印色卡套装,
产品名称:PANTONE CMYK 光面铜版纸 & 胶版纸
PANTONE CMYK Coated & UncoatedGP5101A
潘通编号:GP5101 (取新版),(旧版号编号GP4101)
包装:包装:27*10*5.5; 净重:0.68kg;
商品说明:C=pantone cyan M=pantone process magenta
Y=pantoneprocess yellow K=pantone process black
C=coated 表示亮光C卡, U=uncoated 表示哑光U卡

Pantone CMYK GP5101色彩:
1. 2,868种印刷色彩
2. 按色谱顺序排列
3. 提供网屏色调百分比
4. 两册装:光面铜版纸和胶版纸
5. 用常见纸张和油墨印制,符合用户常有的纸张/油墨/光照条件和设计软件的选择。
6. 彩通色彩管理软件[PANTONE COLOR MANAGER Software]便于在常用的设计应用程序中更新PANTONE色彩
7. 包含Color Checker®照明指标以助照明评估
8. 包含供色彩校正影像所使用的Color Checker Primer
Pantone CMYK GP5101格式
· 两册便携式手持扇形指南,印制在光面铜版纸与胶版纸上,提供四种基础油墨的网屏色调百分比;
· 依照ISO标准印制,色彩复制效果一致;
· 采用通行的纸材(重量148克/平方公尺的光面铜版纸与118克/平方公尺的胶版纸);
· 附有照明指针页以显示照明情况是否适合进行色彩评估;
Pantone CMYK GP5101应用:
1. 在四色印刷中准确选择、指定和交流色彩;
2. 轻松定位所需色彩;
3. 与数码工作流程兼容;
4. 借助提供的CMYK网屏百分比,可在四色印刷中轻松复制色彩;
5 显示每种色彩以光面铜版纸和胶版纸印刷的效果;
6. 为色彩对比和质量控制提供印刷标准;
7. 所有色彩在商业认可的印刷标准范围内均可复制;
8. 随附的照明指标工具可确定照明条件是否适合精确色彩选择和配色
9. 随附的色彩校正工具可以轻易实现色彩平衡和数码影像的创意控制

Pantone 色卡,潘通GP5101色卡,CMYK新版彩通色板,C/U四色印刷叠印色卡等问题, 欢迎联系: 13534055155 咨询!

2 Books PANTONE Color CMYK Coated & UncoatedPrinting Color Card GP5101 2868 Kinds of Color Guide
Product Information
Four-color overprint
Brand: Pantone
Origin of place: United State
Model: GP5101
Color: 2868 kinds of color
>>>Product Description
The New PLUS SERIESCMYK Guide contains 2,868 kinds of colors, all kinds of color ordered bychromatography, make the color smoother, more intuitive in color selection. These guides are ideal tool for reference,communication and control fort, logos, borders, backgrounds and the othergraphics treatments color effects. It is compatible with thecurrent digital workflow. Screen tint percentages are provided to enableaccurate color reproduction. We use ISO-certified environmentally friendly inkprinting. Use text weight paper, to match popular printspecifications. Includes color index, lighting evaluation tool and designsoftware. Two books in one set- use coated and uncoated paper.
2 Books Pantone CMYK GP5101 Coated Uncoated Color Guide PantoneGP5101
The PLUS SERIES CMYK Guides contain 2,868 CMYK colorson both coated and uncoated paper. Chromatically arranged formoreintuitive selection and easy inspiration, this two-guide set allows you tovisualize, communicate and control CMYK colors for type, logos, borders,backgrounds and other graphic treatments. This wide range of colors is inadditiion to the 1755 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors.
Easily work with these and thousands more of the most up-to-date PANTONE Colorsin your favorite design software with the included free download of PANTONECOLOR MANAGER Software, upon product registration.